
April 13, 2010

For real, and not for fake

This isn't meant to be an alternative to your favorite lifestyle or hip-hop blog, but a completely different experience.

We put limits on God when we see living for Him as a long, boring existence inside the walls of the church house, punctuated by fried chicken dinners and gospel concerts when there's just so much more. Mike and I are both Bible-believing Christians who believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sin, and was ressurected in three days, and we live our lives in reflection of that awesome truth. We're followers of Christ, but we are also scholars, music lovers, artists, speakers, and community activists. God made each of those hats. He doesn't want us to take them off, He just wants us to wear them a different way. The journey is scary, exhilarating, and sad sometimes, but its worth it. It is more than worth it. This is the greatest story ever told, the true story of the best Good and the darkest Evil.

Some of us are familiar with "double consciousness." The idea that some of us are Nicaraguan AND American, female AND a mechanic .... And how the fight to remain true to one aspect of your being may mean being less true to another. Some of us struggle because we find our purpose in calculating the stars' deliberate waltzes across space, or forming hands and faces within blocks of clay, but feel as if this doesn't mesh with God. We have fearfully dismissed the dreams placed in our hearts and taken on traditional roles, but silently, we wonder if we are really suited for all of this. We wonder if our lives are supposed to be bound with the mediocre stuff of Wednesday night sitcoms, we wonder if we're supposed to be feeling that empty droll in the pit of our stomachs after a crazy night out, we wonder if God is listening at all.... We know there has to be more than this, but we are unsure of how to find it.

Mike and I might not be there yet, but we're on our way, and we want to share this walk, which is both frightening and beautiful under Gods ever-knowing, ever-hoping, ever-believing eye with you, as we want you to share your journey with us.

The Word tells us that God's always there, but there is a choice. He will not force, but we are held accountable, because in the end we choose..... Life or death, blessings or curses. We choose life. We hope you will too.

Welcome to giant-slayers.


Anonymous said...

im really happy to see that youre writing again jade. this was beautifully written.

mackenziie said...

I love the "why we are"... I'm definitely down, especially since juggling my beliefs and my actions is one of my main struggles. I'm reading Jadey! Love you!

me said...

Well put together Jade and Mike! Love it!

Anonymous said...

this was awesome. so glad to see young ppl puttin on for jesus. get it!!

Big Sib said...

Sib, you know I'm going to support anything you do. Especially something as REAL as this. You're doin it bro. God is great!

Anonymous said...

michael are u taken?

Devonnn said...

"..Our generation has been primed and prepared by God for such a time as this. We are facing the giants that the generations before us failed to slay: terrorist attacks, war, AIDS, single parent homes, divorce, molestation, school shootings.....We are battle tested.We are Giant-slayers.

Jadey & Mike you two are Well on your way! As I was reading this I was praying and asking God to give me the words because I knew I was gonna be speechless...You two inspire me so much, and I am honor to know you two! (The net can be such a blessing. ;-) This was so beautifully written and I'm sharing this with everyone I know. There is so much more to God then what is in those four walls of the Church and I'm so glad that you two are sharing that with us! Thank You for mentioning the "double consciousness." That is a HUGE one, Lord knows I struggle w/ it and so many others do as well. But that lets people know that they still can make it. ;-)

- This is amazing, I Love you two!

MrTubbz said...

Thanks for the love fam, let's go!! :) haha it's going to be a journey for sure. Feel free to give topics or disagree and all that good stuff ya diig?! :)

Carmela said...

Love this. Love what you and your friend Mike are trying to do w. this blog, Jade.

Keep posting<3