I think I wanted to write something these past few weeks, but in writing, I would have to force the truth away from my peripheral. I don't think I've been doing anything blog worthy, or doing anything that anyone would want to write about, because I've been pretty much doing nothing. My interest in my city, my school, and my job has all but disappeared, and I wanted to write something that would inspire everyone, but this won't be that type of post.
Is it more important that people admire us or that they know the truth about us? I think that it's human nature to present the most faultless image possible to those around us. If we acknowledge our personal character flaws at all, we speak about them in very vague terms, so that no one knows exactly what our struggle is. If I told you that I did absolutely nothing productive today, skipped class, read message boards and watched the new Beyonce video all day, would that change how you felt about me? If I told you that I sent dirty pictures to someone I dated, would you think less of me? If I told you my credit card was dangerously close to its limit, would you not like me as much?
Our secrets are safe havens from reality, but it is our secrets that create self-loathing, and it's our self-loathing that chains us to sin. The human psyche is crazy, and the more we hide the disgusting, dark secrets shoved into the corners of our souls, the more we begin to believe that they don't exist. This is fine and dandy in the daytime when we're surrounded by the business of life, but when we come home to only ourselves, the sin seeps out, and we're confronted with the ugliness of our nature. We look in the mirror and we realize that we're lying.
I'm learning that Brutal honesty is what saves relationships, the most important relationship of all being with our Heavenly Father. G-d knows all things, but it is our acknowledgement of our wrongdoing and pure desire to want better that sets us free. The Word states explicitly that we are to"Confess therefore your sins one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed." (James 5:16) There is power in confession. There is freedom in power. Grace and Peace unto Everyone this week. Let's vow to tell the truth to each other. If you can't tell anyone around you, send them to someone whose listening.... Us at giantslayersblog@gmail.com , anonymous or un-anonymous. We're just praying for your healing man, as you must pray for ours. Let's all get free.
Wow, Jade this was for me for sure! I LOVE it that you are not afraid of the truth and telling it.
BrutAL HONESTY. is Needed.
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