
May 4, 2010

Listening In


I'm on the first day of a week long fast from secular music..and already God is's amazing what He has to say when we just cut out the static and listen. I spent a legit 5 hours today talking about positive stuff with other people- When does that happen?!

The best part was that 3 hours of it was talking about how to change culture and the existence of God in our life stories...Powerful. We also came to the conclusion that because Christians haven't been doing their job that God's name is profane, and almost a bad word ( blog post forthcoming on that point) and that to reach our generation we can't use the traditional conception of God....We have to show them God in the midst of their absent fathers, broken families, drug addictions, gang culture, etc. etc...and to stop limiting who God is, what God cna do, and where He can be ...based soley on our religious experience and rituals.

What was the most powerful for me was that other peers didn't realize it but they motivated and inspired me to continue to speak truth to power. I truly believe God used them to speak to me and to tell me to not get weary in well doing, to remember all that He has brought me from, and to realize exactly what my purpose is.

Finally, the most salient part of the conversation was the distinction we made between a good idea and a God idea..we recognized that we see God in the midst...when things we didn't concieve come to happen or things that weren't our original plan..and he orders them so well....

There was a bunch more but i need to go to bed :)

Wow, all in Day 1 of my worldly music fast.

I said all this to say that:

I really believe that God has something to say in this hour, especially those of us transitioning into new phases. He has a word that would put everything in focus and perspective ...
We just gotta quiet ourselves, be open to new experiences, and listennnnnnnn.


Anonymous said...

Great convo...

- Big Sib

Devonnn said...

Loved it..Def inspired me with this one!

MrTubbz said...

man, i'm going for 2 weeks now lol~!

Devonnn said...

Wow, thats whats up!!! I'll get there sooner then later lol. :o)