
April 14, 2010

If everyone is a product of this society, who will say the things that need to be said, and do the things that need to be done, without compromise? Truth will never start out popular in a world more concerned with marketability than righteousness. It will initially suffer ridicule and even violence- yet ultimately it is undeniable. All of humanity is living in a dream world, but suffering real consequences.

(Lauryn Hill, The Middle Man)

I will share my opinion later, but let's discuss now........


Anonymous said...

that's a whole lotta deep y'all!

Anonymous said...

When everyone decides that they want to open their eyes and pay attention then things can change. I was actually offended when I realized what was going on right before my eyes. When did power and money become so important to everyone? We're worth so much more.

Anonymous said...

Motives And Thoughts

Rotating bodies, confusion of sound
Negative imagery, holding us down
Social delusion, clearly constructed
Human condition, morals corrupted
Trapped in reaction, lawlessness war
Dissatisfaction from bowels to core
Devil’s technology, strategy for
Human mythologies, urban folklore
Sick of psychology, counterfeit cure
Wicked theology, robbing the poor
Scheme demonology mislead the pure
Strictly strategically studying war
Light shown in darkness, image exposed
Few can see through the new emperor’s clothes
Lustful this hustle turn humans to hoes
When the blind lead the blind
Just more trouble and woes
It’s the mind that they chose
Its designed to stay closed
Standard of jokers, court just a logic
Sick looking cosmics, from schoolyards to college
Primitive man with civilize knowledge
System collapse and he still won’t acknowledge
God is the saviour, studies behavior
Trying to fix the mix mind that he gave ya
Stiff-necked scholars on prescription meds
Wishing their problems were all in their heads
Morale dilemma, pride is the root
Misguided from youth, heart divided from truth
Egyptians and Grecians, spiritually dead
Imperially led, by the gods in their heads
Motives and thoughts
Industrial wealth
Global economy, in it for self
Heart full of madness, covered with kind
Pleasure designed to take over your mind
Furnished in godliness, painted in good
This tainted priesthood got real saints misunderstood
While classes in government, set up the veil
And cultivate minds for more mythical tales
Typical Hollywood follies good girl
While vice and corruption take over the world
Motives and thoughts
Check your motives and thoughts
Blind with the wickedness, deep in your heart
Modern day wickedness is all you’ve been taught
Lied to your neighbors, so you get ahead
Modern day trickery is all you’ve been fed
Motives and thoughts
Check your motives and thoughts.

Lauryn Hill

Jade said...

It Is deep. (Really deep) When I really looked at all the rich people I knew who were miserable despite attaining what they had worked so hard for their entire life...... And all the poor and middle-class people I knew who were miserable just Because they weren't rich, I knew something was up......
We have this sentiment in America that money solves problems, but I've known some really wealthy people in my life-time and I've come to see that that isn't true..... I feel like the Illusion of money and power really feed our "fleshly sensibilities" (Mike's term.) Its almost like a God complex because when we have money and power, people who don't know any better give us the glory that belongs to God. I think the Illusion of money & power is actually why we're so unhappy. The Cribs, Diary of...'s, and reality shows romanticizing wealth do more harm than help because they never allow us to be content with what we have.

There's a reason Jesus said its easier for a camel to get thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven.... Its not Impossible, "For with God, ALL things are possible" but its gonna take some serious work on behalf of the rich man.

Why are money and power such huge themes in American success? Easy. Because they distract us from our true purpose on Earth: to love and serve God and the people He created.

This is something that I struggle to overcome everyday!

(NOTE: This is My opinion & interpretation. I adore healthy discussion and disagreement especially on the things of God because it really forces us to stretch our brains out, and think about things in a different way. Let's not approach this discussion with any mentality that says "I'm right and they're wrong" because no one's theology or interpretation of Christianity is completely correct-"For we know in Part and we prophesy in Part....but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.....Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." (1 Corinthians 13:9-12)
With that said, "Come now, let us reason together" (Isaiah 1:18)

Ps. I Love Motives & Thoughts, Lauryn has really been blessed with wisdom

Devonnn said...

I agree Jade! All that I ask is that God just gives me enough for what I need. Money and Power does distract us, when I think about it all..its crazy to me! People really revolve their life around money and what they can and cannot do because of it! Its so sad.=\ The world has to wake up!

Anonymous said...

there are some really smart ladies on this blog! loves it!

Anonymous said...
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MrTubbz said...

I think the truth of this comment was clearly shown with what happened to THE TRUTH..he was murdered and has been every other person who spoke truth to power with no compromise...